Profit from the calm to prepare for the orc storm arriving soon at your village. Choose wisely as what you decide will affect your villagers and decide their fate...

Heavily inspired by the game Reigns

Do not put the game in fullscreen mode


distant horns by DANMITCH3LL -- -- License: Attribution 3.0

MedievalCombatLoop.mp3 by Yap_Audio_Production -- -- License: Attribution 4.0

Medieval Fanfare.wav by gertraut_hecher -- -- License: Attribution 4.0

Various Hammer taps on Anvil by Luan-Van-Den-Berg -- -- License: Attribution 4.0

Background art done by Anne Calestagne - Love you! ;) 

Updated 4 days ago
Published 5 days ago
GenreRole Playing, Card Game
TagsMedieval, Pixel Art, Short, Singleplayer


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There is a problem with the text that pops up for the tutorial and also for the text of the pause menu. The red and green banners and main banner work find though. But I do like the art for the game.

Thanks for your comments, could you please elaborate on the problem? Thank you


Trying it from my laptop there are no problems now :), probably just a bug on my end. The text was turned into dots, so each letter was hard to read. But now it is working for me.